Tuesday, June 20, 2006
2:03 PM
1:35 PM
Hey homie! Yeah its me... just had piano lesson, damn sian... Still got the chinese books to read, then must do bao gao somemore!! Why cant schools just give us a break?!?! Hey its holidays you know... Futhermore the meaning of holiday is a day when there is no work and you can do whatever you want... Yet teachers give us "holiday homework"... Holiday should not have any work yet they are giving us work to do. Man, "holiday homework" is an oxymoron (erm... did i spell it right? Anyway, whatever, you get what i mean).Well, the only exception is my Geography and History teachers, who did not give any work at all (they believe holidays are for us to enjoy), and wished us happy holidays (That's more like it! ;) But how to be happy when there's so much work?!?!)Aiya, just drop the subject. Lets talk about... CARS!!! YES!! No, its about the movie "CARS", or i know you all will get bored. Yeah, i watched it last Saturday with my cousin. Its funny and quite realistic lah, with all the funny animations and crazy jokes. But luckily we stayed back and watched the credits part, and that's when they show what happened to the other characters in the end, and they also make fun of all the previous movies (Toy story, Monster In C, A bug's life etc.) Interesting lah...Anything else to talk about? Nothing much actually... Last sunday quite boring, cause my parents and grandparents had to attend a wedding dinner, so we didn't celebrate Father's Day. But my sis and i still made him presents though. So we just spend our time watching DVD, playing com, do homework, that's how we pass our holidays. Actually, i love holidays, but definitely NOT holiday homework. Its probably the only thing i dont like about holidays. It will be interesting if we challenge the teachers not to give homework during holidays. Man, it would be a dream come true...That's it for now, posting some cars pictures too! But maybe you all not interested... Nevermind, until next time, see ya!
Friday, June 16, 2006
12:20 PM
Hey guys, sorry for not posting for such a long time, cos i was on chalet the past few days. Anyway, completed about 80% of my work (hopefully), and the only thing that's holding me back is all those stupid chinese books! Aargh! It's just so hard to read them!Aiya, nevermind lets talk about the chalet. On the second day, i invited Daniel low, leonard and his brother to go to downtown east escape to play! All of us were 13 years and older except Daniel whose birthday is october, which means that we have to pay the adult fee - $16.50, whereas Daniel only needs to pay the children fee - $8.30! Adult fees are so expensive!But nevermind, we went on to the rides. Leonard often go for all those thriller rides, leaving the three of us alone. Then we bought one HUGE candy floss. Man, its real big. I think its more than twie the size of anyone's head!We were about to try the go-kart when someone crashed and the impact sent her go-kart up the bumper and even a few bricks dropped from the bridge! As a result, they had to repair the roads and took a very long time and we decided to give up. So sad... It was almost our turn you know....We also tried "HAUNTED". Its not a ride, but you must follow a trail and be frightened by the things there. Hey it may surprise you, cos it is indeed QUITE SCARY. Anyway if you want to go in groups, NEVER be the last one, cos there are some of the traps which only scare the last one in the group. I was the last one, and i paid the price. Boohooo.... Cos there are real ppl and of course, fake ones. But both scare you a lot.Well, in the end we tried the go-kart when the road was repaired. Very fun... How i wish i could try it again...Tomorrow i am going to watch "cars" with leonard cos my mother won tickets and gave them to me. Yay...Anyway, that's all i have to say. Until next time, see ya!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
5:09 PM

Holidays... nothing much to do... homework and computer all the time. But for higher chinese we must read 4 books k! And some are about chinese history while others are just novels. Boring....Anyway some people who got nothing better to do poses as me and delwin about... Errr..... Aiya if you so interested you go read yourself lah. Anyway. to amanda, if you happen to read it, its not me and delwin. What's so nice about posing as other people? I never pose as other people before leh (except once when i pose as john... lol... But other than that i dont pose as other people one)Who plays NFS Most wanted? Who else besides yours truly (which is me!)? I only know rachel also plays it, but anyway very nice game lah. Damn fun... no harm trying.Btw up till now i also not too sure of when is the class party? I have received so many emails but still dunno when is the real time cause there are so many changes. Oh ya, i will be away from 13th to 15th june cause i also go resort (but in singapore...) I also look forward to the bbq! Yay!Anyway have not been posting lately causei have nothing to pose about. Holidays mah... Nobody tag sumore, so i take it as no one visit this blog often. Sad...Just keep me updated for any class parties coming up! Thanks! Until next time, see ya!P.S. 6A rocks forever!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
1:13 PM
12:55 PM