Friday, July 28, 2006
7:55 PM

Hi guys... have not posted for so long... partly because i got SO MANY tests and assignments this week.Alright, lets see how many assignments i still have outstanding... hmmm.... One chinese powerpoint project, 2 maths performance tasks, 1 history assignment, 1 geography assignment (I handed up yesterday.... great relieve...),1 philosophy essay! And for the tests this week, i have 1 english test on wed, french test on thurs and maths test today! Thats why i am so happy today cause i can finally have a break!Anyway, i like one maths PT. We are supposed to find one car that's is cheap and low on COE, LTA taxes bkah blah.... Low fuel consumption.... And say why is it the most bank-for-buck car! This is the kind of assignment i like man!Well, just posted some pictures of the sixties and seventies, called "muscle cars". I love these cars man... Thay are so fast... Got loads more pictures of them, but too lazy to post... wanna play com..Well, that's all i have to say. Until next time, see ya!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
8:26 PM

Mercedes-Benz SLR MClaren, Chevrolet Corvette C6 Z06 and Porshe Carrera GT. Man, this cars are totally hot...
Saturday, July 15, 2006
10:22 PM

Hey... Posting again... dont feel like spending too much time on this though. Wanna play computer soon :P But just trying to update my blog so it wont be stagnant. So busy during the weekdays.. i dont have time to update :(But well, I got new shoes! Yes! Plus new socks too! I mean... finally got new pair of shoes, my old one was too tight. This one size 8 but i dont think can last me very long though.This week of school was fine, the lessons are fun, anyway for PE we did gymnastics. Oh yeah, just for you to know, my class did swimming for the for the first module, TnF (no, not Trim n Fit, its Track n Field) for second module and now its gym. And we learnt different types of "rolls", and we liked to make fun and making the teacher laugh by saying "sausage roll and egg roll = baby roll!" Lol... Haha... Ok. Maybe you all dont find it that funny, but i just find it comical and amusing.Man... i wanna play com game soon, so i just quickly finish this off. On top of this post is the picture of Jaguar XKR Coupe, the one on news today. Nice eh?Nevermind if you dont find it nice, i dont really care :) Hope to see 6A soon. Until next time, see ya!
Friday, July 07, 2006
6:26 PM
Hey! Posting after such a long time... cause actually this week very busy... Tuesday got NSW mathematics test, Wednesday got Mathematics Topical Assessment, Thursday i reached home at 11.00! Finally today i can reach home earlier than most days...Nevermind, lets talk about something else. Yes! I have new teachers!I have new.... Science, English, Litertature, Art teachers! Luckily all of them are not too bad though... But i think almost all my teachers say that this semester is going to be very rush... I know... I have started receiving assignments already...Oh yeah... I have to go back to ATS for a presentation of Raffles Institution.Nigel also have to go back. Then i think Yuhan and Sarah is also going from RGS. I look forward to going back, but not presenting whatsoever to our juniors... Gotta call that Mr Ng to arrange a time too... Sian...Oh ya... You know last friday was very fun! We had around 2 hours of fun, having free and easy places to go. Cause it was youth day celebration, we were allowed to dress in any clothes we want. And also during that 2 hours, there are many things available to do:a) Watch a world cup soccer live at that time.b) Watch a band performance.c) Watch a yo-yo performance (weird right) by some yo-stick ppl.d) Watch the movie "Sky High" at one of the LTs. This took up most of leonard, nigel and my time. e) Watch "Extreme Makeover Rafflesian Edition". The teacher have to transform the students as much as they can. Sound fun right!f) Pay $2 and join this Xbox 360 FIFA world cup tournament. You play this FIFA world cup game in Xbonx 360s with other participants and the winner gets an Xbox 360 with 2 other Xobx 360 games worth over $800! OMG!But too bad, i am not the winner. I didnt even participate. Trying to find out who won though.But yeah, that time was real fun. Then on Saturday, I went to SYF competition at the national stadium. But it was quite boring at the first part and VERY HOT there. At the bad thing was the sun was facing us... But anyway i brought lots of food and water to occupy my time. Only the later part where different schools compete for band formations is more interesting, but we reached back at school only at 9.10pm...Nothing much more to say here. Looking forward to the world cup finals. And monday no school cause we swapped youth day last monday for this coming monday to watch the finals! Yay! Until next time, see ya!!!!