Saturday, November 17, 2007
10:33 PM
Hey have really been busy these days, had choir on some days for almost 8 hours, really tiring but i really do appreciate the SLs for the hard work and patience (esp when teaching me =D ).
Today is much more interesting though. After being at school for choir, i went to Bibi & Baba to get my long pants for my choir concert next Sunday, and only when i got home i realised that my pants were too baggy. Oh well...
Anyway after that, we had buffet dinner at this place called "Sakura". It really have lots of Japanese food around, plus a wide variety of dessert. But the problem came when i finished my food and wanted a nice cup of coffee to settle down...
1st Cup
Went to the coffee machine and saw "hazelnut mocha". Thought it sounds good, hence i pressed it. Took the coffee back to my table, only to realise it taste totally like milo, and not like mocha at all...
2nd Cup
Went to coffee machine again the pressed "hazelnut coffee". Thought it shouldnt be that bad either, so pressed it, but what came out was some diluted stuff, not coffee at all! Maybe the coffee powder had run out...
3rd Cup
Dragged myself to the coffee machine again and got myself what was called "cafe mocha". I though i had finally made a nice cup of coffee, was enjoying it, when suddenly the clip that was playing with dropped into the cup. Drats...
4th Cup
Went to the coffee machine one last time, made myself another cafe mocha, sat down and finally finally managed to relax and enjoy... =)

Anyway apart from that, my aunt lent me this Japanese book as a guide to Tokyo as i will be going there next month.

So that's about it then!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
8:41 PM
Hey was recently invited to Mr Bernard Chan's wedding, where they sent this expensive looking invitation card to Baoju, Enghan, Peirce and me.
Of course, this actually came as little surprise, as we later found out Serena (his wife) is a banker. Luckily then, as Enghan and i bought quite an expensive present for them =)
We then proceeded with the matrimony, where Mr Chan had to recite this whole paragraph to promise his faithfulness. His tone made us feel as if it was a history lesson (he's a history teacher =D ) and he later complained to us about how nervous he was feeling at first. Oh well...
Then it was lunch with the catered food. The food was really good. Everything was just so delicious, and this made us anticipate what kind of dinner they would provide. Sadly, we were not invited to their wedding dinner, despite much perestering from us. According to him its because the dinner is full already =(
Then the MC of the wedding invited different groups of people for phototaking, and when we were invited up to the stage the MC said "How come you RI boys so quiet? Should cheer for your teacher" Lol we were thinking the other way round when RI boys are expected to not make noise =S

After that Mr Chan's brother came up to us and asked:
"Are you guys Mr Chan's students?"
"He teaches you guys history?"
"So... Is he strict?"
"Erm... No...!"
Lol i wanted to say "Not even slightly" but that wouldnt be nice. While eating we overheard Mr Chan's friend saying that Mr Chan bought a 42-inch Plasms TV just to play Xbox 360. Wow... must be really rich...
Anyway after our lunch we wanted to leave so we spoke to him
Me: Sir, we are making a move first.
Mr Chan: What so fast?
Me: Yup but we are coming back for the dinner =)
Mr Chan: Haha no larh the dinner is very packed already
Peirce and EngHan: Sir not bad ah, buy a 42-inch plasma TV
Mr Chan: Hey how did you know about that? Anyway you guys can drop by and play if you want. So when will i meet you guys again?
Peirce: Tonight! =D
Mr Chan: Haha no seriously the dinner is full. OK bye guys, next time rememeber to invite me to your wedding k!
Me: Yes, if you invite us to your dinner =)
Mr Chan: Very funny. Bye guys!
Hmmm so i guess that's about it. Until next time, see ya!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
10:11 PM
Hey, think i wanna blog about the chalet which happened from last Sunday till Thursday. It was really long, and sometimes it was really quite boring, but for the rest it was really exciting. Anyway, here goes:
Nothing much really happened. Just checked in at 9 plus at night, so we can just skip that =)
I rented a bike from a chalet, since i was nearly bored to tears. I then chose the bike which looked the most well-kept, but unfortunately it may looked well-kept but it wasn't. The tires were super hard and of low profile, that coupled with the super stiff suspension meant that the ride was really firm. So firm till the point that you feel your back is going to shatter whenever you ride over a small pebble on the road.
So things weren't really going that well. And it gets worse when you find out that the brakes were so spongy and weak it felt as if they were made from chewing gum. And there were no gears at all. And you cant cruise cause the bike would just shudder. Ok, i could go on forever.
Later in the day my sister's friends came and we then went to the beach. Following that we had bbq where the fire just would not start. Nevertheless, we managed to quite a lot of food and not to forget the bbq marshmallows. The day ended with one of the friends who is called PEIQI staying over.
Nothing much happened cause i was sleeping the whole afternoon, even though even more of my sister's friends came. We just went to changi airport terminal 2 staff canteen for dinner. The fried hokkien mee is delicious k. Our night was rudely disrupted by the arrival of lizards and beetles in our chalet. One of the lizards was actually crawling over our snacks. In fact there were so many of them that my sister and her friend had to sleep outside the corridor, which disturbed my parents' sleep and of course, my sleep =(
Things get much better when EngHan, KaiLun and Gregory came. The 4 of us first rented a bicycle and started to cycle away from the chalet. There we stopped at the East Coast Hawker Centre for lunch, where we had the famous duck rice and sugar cane. It is also important to note that one of the drink stall's sugar cane machine was infested with flies. We immediately walked away and pretended not to notice the shopkeeper =/

After lunch we continued with our cycling and stopped by an enormous sand castle, where a kind lady helped us take a picture.

There we continued when we saw this brickwater by the sea. We decided to rest there since it was sunny, windy and quiet. Then joker KaiLun had nothing better to do and decided to write and "adventurous" letter.
We then continued for a short while and then had to turn back. Partly cause we realised we had already cycled to Fort Road (close to the city area), partly cause "Robinson Crusoe" realised he was sunburnt, but also cause gregory had to leave for his class chalet. Next up was our second bbq. Sadly there was so much food leftover that even KaiLun couldnt finish. Obviously his favourite were bbq marshmallows when he kept exclaiming "OMG so nice...! OMG..."
After the bbq we took another stroll by the beach to enjoy sunset. And this time we found something quite scary - drugs. Yup, it was hanging by the tree, and it looked like medicine, and we found them in a desolated area of the beach. However we were too scared to report them cause we were afraid that the drug dealers would do something to us... =/
The day ended with EngHan staying over for the night. Chatted and talked about nearly everything till 2am, before we finally called it a day and slept..
Nothing much happened on Thursday, so that mainly concludes the chalet. Well, posting about Mr Chan's wedding next =) Until next time, cya!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
11:52 PM
Hey, it has been a really long time since i last posted. Anyway i think very few people visit this blog in the first place, so i think this is becoming more of a diary than a blog. But anyway i really want to talk about a few things i have experienced throughout this year. Hoping and praying that prefects do not come across this post.
Well, this year was really tiring. i had so much more commitments compared to last year, more problems, more stress etc. I think i learnt much more this year compared to the last 13 years combined. And honestly, i dont know where to start.
But i think one of the most important is my class. It is the class that gave me lots of problems, i was so sick of it that i felt like gorgin my eyes out. Things got worse when Mr Allan Soo left, when the class became more rowdy due to the new form teacher and a monitor which started to slack more than any other monitors in the history of RI (ok i shall not be so bad here). This left me and eng han completely helpless.
But yet, i really enjoyed it. I really like my class. Oh yes. If not for 2I 07, i would have been a much different person now.
And this reason's really simple. 2I 07 isnt your usual inert class. Not even slightly. I can say that it is one of the craziest and funniest class ever, and even our teachers have told us so. 2I isnt the sort of people which put in their MSN nick "you guys rock" or "i love you guys forever". And it's far from being the best class in terms of academics. It is not even what you'd call "cooperative".
It is the sort of class that prioritize fun over anything else. It has the sort of people that cares for each other, yet we just dont say it . It is the sort of class that shouts, quarrel and fights nearly everyday, but hands are shaken and apologies and said within the next 15 minutes. And i prefer such a class over another that is quiet and smart, but is selfish and uncaring. I would pick 2I anytime, anyday.
Even though you guys may not be reading this post, but i must really thank you guys for all the support, esp during my prefect elections. I really need to thank all those who helped me during the video, helping me to paint my banners or just simply giving encouragement. All those simple speeches such as "Don't worry, i will get all my CCA mates to vote for you" and "Even if you dont get in, you will always remain our treasurer" really mean a lot to me. I didnt really expect all these to come from a class like 2I. Thanks a lot guys. Thank you so, so much.
Let's not forget the teachers. All my 6 core subjects teachers came to talk to me, either to encourage me or to console me. Special mention must go to Ms Goh who told all her Sec 4s to vote. Thanks lot teachers.
Honestly, i really wanted to get into RIPB. I felt very satisfied that i have contributed to the school by being the CEC this year, and i wanted to contribute more by joining the RIPB. I really enjoyed doing non-academic work and contributing to the school, and that's why i set my target on RIPB. However, sadly...
Haha. When i got the results, i got this feeling that i have never felt before. It is not the sort of feeling you get when you ask your parents for a video game, and they rejected it. Neither is it the sort of feeling you get when you get back your test results and you failed. Nope, it's a lot different.
You really do not know how to react to it, it is just the sense of disappointment. You just get the feeling that sometimes life isnt that fair. But i am not meaning that the elects are not deserving of their posts. Nope, i just simply felt disappointed. I was really lost for actions. That night i just lay on my bed and stoned for 3 hours. The thought of working with friends such as Nigel, Gregory, Daron, Gifford, KaiLun, Benjamin etc was gone.
But I have gotten over this. Anyway, congrats to the elects, even though i hope prefects do not read this. Life's gotta move on, there's nothing i can do to change the fact in the first place. Lol...
I am just a bit lost from here, Where do I go? People always say "there lots of leadership opportunities". Yup, but the problem is that i am not exactly the easiest person to get noticed by people (haha), so i'm not sure if i can be the CEC for next year. Futhermore i have just joined Raffles Voices, so i am still trying to catch up, even though i skip sessions due to random things like chalet and admin work.
I'd be more than happy to join those comm that help the RIPB, but i hope that there are more places for me to contribute.
Also i have just realised that i have just posted the longest post ever, and i am quite proud of it. Anyway it's quite late now, so see ya guys!